School Visit Programme-Pizza Express

On January 13, the students of 4T visited Pizza Express to engage in a pizza-making workshop. In addition to mastering the art of pizza-making, they also had the opportunity to learn the principles of effectively managing a pizza establishment, emphasizing sound management practices and exemplary customer service. They had a delightful experience during their time there.

在1月13日,四真學生前往Pizza Express參加了一個薄餅製作工作坊。他們不僅學會了製作薄餅的技巧,還有機會向店員了解如何有效經營一家薄餅店,掌握良好的管理原則和優質的顧客服務。除了學習之餘,同學們也度過了一段非常愉快的時光。