Activities offered: (updated in 2024)
1.Morning Assemblies:
Students are guided by Christian teachers to sing hymns, share Christian witnessing as well as stories in the Bible and say prayers of intercession.
2.Discipleship and Training:
This group is formed through selecting its members among Christians doing Primary 5 at our school, gearing towards the goal of consolidating one’s relations with God and helping them learn to be true followers of Christ.
3.Fun Bible Class:
Students learn about the miraculous hands of God through people and stories shared in the Bible as well as participation in various activities.
4.Gospel based activities:
Students are given Bible-related activities of various kinds that enable them to explore life and the Good News.
5.Gospel-based Day Camp:
The annual Gospel-themed Day Camp for all students of Primary 3, often aims to provide learners with an opportunity to feel God’s crucified love for mankind. They can thus reflect upon their life practice and make choices of wisdom.
6.Visits and tours:
Visits paid to respective places outside the school are conducted at times. In the school year of 2023-2024, our Primary 3 students were brought to read at a Gospel bookstore to learn more about God. The Primary 6 students were offered another tour to follow the footprints of missionary once preaching Christianity in Hong Kong in the past, heightening their awareness of the merits and far-reaching influence of the Good News.
7.Educational Sunday Service:
Year after year, the educational Sunday Service is scheduled shortly after the start of the school year. In the school year of 2024-2025, our Primary 6 students and their parents were invited to join the Sunday Service at the Church of Christ in China.
8.Worship Service for Christian Festivals:
Worship service for respectively Christmas Thanksgiving and Easter is regularly conducted for students to commemorate the birth of Jesus and His unconditional love for humanity as well as His death on the Cross.