School tour of Primary 6 classes in Okinawa( 17 March 2024 – 20 March 2024)

A school tour in Okinawa was particularly conducted for our Primary 6 classes on 17 March 2024 – 20 March 2024, aiming to help prepare them with effective skills needed in getting along with others for a smooth articulation to the secondary school stage. 

Our students were provided precious opportunities to experience the exchange of minds and cultures with the primary school students there.  Guided tours were also arranged for visiting both Shurijo Castle and Okinawa World for widening their horizons, helping them learn about the culture of Okinawa as well as their traditional art in fabric weaving and dyeing. 

20240317-20240320 小六沖繩畢業遊學團

為使小六學生能在畢業前透過不同的方式進行學習,同時學習與人相處的技巧,幫助日後適應升中後的生活,今年三月十七日至二十日,學校為小六級學生舉行「小六畢業遊學團」,遠赴沖繩,到當地的小學上課,跟日本小朋友作文化交流,同時到首里城公園Shurijo Castle及冲繩世界文化王國okinawa-world 參觀,認識琉球文化,學習傳統織布及紮染工藝,增廣見聞,拓寬視野。