Our Primary 1 students were provided with the learning opportunities to visit the Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden as well as the Insect House inside the Tai Po Waterfront Park on respective days, where they were introduced to some of those little animals and insects found in Hong Kong. Upon getting back to the school campus after those scheduled visits, a range of extended learning activities were conducted for them to develop their pools of knowledge on natural science, which include the typology of animals and realization of their sounds.
小一同學在兩日的學習研習活動中到訪了嘉道理農場以及大埔海濱公園昆蟲屋 認識到一些像他們一樣同居在香港的小動物及昆蟲。他們在學校內進行延伸學習,認識動物的叫聲及動物分類,豐富了有關自然科學的學識。