
為配合新春節慶,並讓同學體驗傳統中華文化,中國語文科於二月五日舉行了中華文化同樂日,師生共享新春喜慶。當日活動包括燈謎競猜遊戲、滾鐵環、傳統木射遊戲、書法、古代投壺遊戲、蹴鞠入球競技、轉碟、急口令等攤位遊戲,還有各班代表為同學們帶來現場故事演講表演會。同學們穿著富新年氣氛的服裝回校,享受了一個歡樂而充實的下午。是次活動得以順利進行,有賴各位家長及家長義工傾力協助,再次報以萬分感激。 A festive cultural programme celebrating the advent of the Lunar New Year was held on 5 February, 2024, aiming to bring to our students the joy of the season of spring as well as knowledge and experience in the Read More …

Parents’ Academy (6-January-2024)

Parents’ Academy 家長學堂 Date: 6th January , 2024.日期: 2024年1月6日 Topic: Enhancing Children’s Capacity in Handling Loss主題: 讓孩子學會輸得起 Guest Speaker: Dr Peter Cheung Shung Tak主講嘉賓:張崇德博士

The 44th Annual Sports Day

Date: 16 December, 2023 Venue: Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground     With the quality assistance of our parent-helpers, our athletic meet was smoothly conducted. All our student-athletes competed with one another on the sports ground in a serious manner.  It was Read More …