Our Easter service commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ took place on 12 March, 2024, providing our students and teachers with the opportunity to glorify the triumph of God’s love for humanity. With our wholehearted gratitude to the spiritual and inspiring sharing by Rev Wong Chun Chiu and Mr. Lo Fook Ming of Tai Po Baptist Church and their skillful application of balloon twisting, God’s preaching and his message behind crucifixion was most vividly presented, illustrated and imprinted on our minds. Upon the end of the service meet, hymns on the suffering and resurrection of God was then played in each class for our students, offering them the precious moments for doing meditation, making reflection and accepting the love of Jesus.
蒙大埔浸信會 黃振潮牧師及勞福明先生蒞臨分享信息,並即場結紥汽球,按步輔助說明救恩的重點。同學們隨聽隨看隨思考,達到耳到眼到心到之效。