本校家長教師會周年會員大會暨第七屆執行委員會選舉於二零二三年十月七日圓滿結束。 新一屆執行委員期盼為各會員、同學及學校服務。當天會後舉行的親子活體驗活動亦非常精彩豐富, 包括 永生花噴樽製作班, 馬賽克蠟燭杯製作班 及參觀浩海立方 • 探游館。
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and the election of members for the Seventh Executive Committee came to its perfect end on 7th October, 2023. The newly elected members of the Executive Committee look forward to serving all PTA members, our students and the school with their best efforts.
The PTA activities held that day right after the AGM, which included the DIY class on making embossed hand sanitizer spray, the DIY course on crafting mosaic candle holders and the visit to Cube O Discovery Park, were also most wonderfully conducted for the jolly participants. It’s a great day of fun and satisfaction.