Result of First Round Interview首輪面試結果

The results obtained by applicants are categorized into 5 groups:

The applicant is offered a place of study in Primary 1 (2024-2025), with full exemption from attending the Second Interview, due to his/her outstanding performance in the First Interview.  The result obtained is denoted as “Successful”. 

The applicant is included in the waiting list for the offer of a place of study in Primary 1 (2024-2025), after attending the First Interview.  The result obtained is denoted as “Waiting list”.

The applicant is offered a place of study in Primary 1 (2024-2025) after attending the Second Interview.  The result obtained is denoted as “Successful”.

The applicant is included in the waiting list for the offer of a place of study in Primary 1 (2024-2025), after attending the Second Interview.  The result obtained is denoted as “Waiting list”.

The applicant is most regrettably not offered any place of study in Primary 1 (2024-2025).  The result obtained is denoted as “Unsuccessful”. 

Result of First Round Interview